Friday, November 12, 2010

Front of building moving right along!

Well!!!! It is the middle of November and work is still going on in front of the building. Now I was told when this project started in May that it would probably be done and over with sometime in August. But dummy me. I forgot to ask, "what year"? Seriously though, I don't think it's going to get finished by the time the snow flies because then it will be too cold to work, it will be too windy, blah blah blah.... So, I am predicting that phase 1 of the front of the building will be finished by August of 2011 and just maybe the 2nd phase will start in May of 2011. All of this may change subject to the planets, the alignment of the stars, which way the wind blows on most days on the first thursday of the month, and if the sun doesn't shine midnight on December 31st then and only then maybe this project will get finished. From the legal department, from behind stage of the Lorain Palace Theatre.

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